The issue of "children having children" is not only a problem affecting the teenage and her family, but the children pregnancy is becoming more and more a societal and religious problem.Because of the actual economical constraint, many young girls turn to
prostitution as means of supporting themselves as well as their members of families.In that business, some may get into trouble as consequences of unwanted and premature pregnancy and childbearing. One of the major concerns has been the
consistent result of an increasing risk of poverty and welfare dependency of the single
young mothers upon their parents or external patterns.
This research discusses the result of an exploratory survey conducted from
fifteen pastors' wives at Am Local Church which focuses on the pastors' wives'
attitude toward the single mothers. The findings of the research revealed that the
pastors' wives are trying to help these singles mothers spiritually, emotionally and
materially. However, in their struggle to assist the young unwed mothers, most of
pastors' wives are limited by financial resources, some others by their low level of
The aim of the present research is to sensitize the church to be more involved
in the way of seeking solutions to the phenomenon of single young mothers. After
discovering the attitude of pastors' wives toward the single unmarried mothers and
their attempt in helping these young mothers, research will come up with some
practical suggestions in order to improve the ministry of pastors' wives to this group
of the church.