Mburu, Edward2014-04-102014-04-102014-04-10http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/246Africa International University (AIU) Intellectual outputThis research stemmed up from the need to effectively understand demonization, deliverance and inner healing ministry. In the recent times, the whole concept of the reality of spirit world, demonization and spiritual warfare has been fading in the church world as westernization continues to take its toll on the African worldview. Most churches especially the mainstreams ones, tend to either ignore this subject or do not really know how to deal with those affected. Even in those churches where the subject is addressed, the approach followed to minister to those who are suffering under demonic influence is either too ritualistic or acrobatic that people are confused on the best effective way to carry out deliverance. In this paper the researcher set out to seek to understand the causes of demonization among young people and children by carrying out interviews with the people who attend deliverance ministry at Neno Evangelism Centre, Nairobi. As the research revealed, there are many factors that cause demonization ranging from involvement with witchcraft, occultism, abortion, violence within family relationships among others. Violence within the family featured greatly as a major cause of spiritual problems among the young people and children. As such, the church should make a deliberate effort to promote healthy families by training parents on godly relationships and biblical approaches to parenting. From this research, it was discovered that not all cases of problems may necessarily be as a result of demons and there is need for discernment to know which therapeutical approach to use when ministering to those with deep rooted spiritual and psychological problems. Secondly, deliverance should never be seen as a one time, instant magical process where one person has monopoly over of power to cast out demons. On the contrary, deliverance is a continuous process involving not just 'power encounter' but more importantly 'truth encounter' since as Jesus said, it is the knowledge of the truth that sets people free. Depending on the cause, deliverance, counseling and teaching may be necessary to address the problems and this may not be a one day activity. All in all, deliverance ministry should be carried out with much love and compassion for the affected and their dignity should at no time be compromised.en-USexplorationdemonizationcase studyNeno Evangelism Center Nairobiimplicationsdeliveranceinner healing ministryAn exploration of factors that lead to demonization :a case study of Neno Evangelism Center Nairobi, with implications for deliverance and inner healing ministry