Mission Studies Department
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Item Approaches used in Asian Evangelism in Nairobi(2014-05-09) Kiriga, Mwiranga GideonThe objective of this study was to investigate how churches and para-church organizations reaching out to Asians with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Nairobi prepare and carry out evangelism and nurture converts, relating that to the resulting experiences. In order to achieve this, the researcher undertook an extensive review of related literature. Literature on with preparation for evangelism, methods of evangelism, follow-up and nurture of converts, and especially giving special attention to those written with an understanding of the context. It was a descriptive study that sought to discover the situation as it is and thus the researcher used open-ended questions more than closed-ended questions in much of the data collection. Three methods of data collection were used, i.e. questionnaires, interviews and participatory observation. A sample of twenty two (22) participants from five different churches were served with questionnaires, six pastors/evangelism team leaders interviewed, and the researcher personally participated in six outreach related activities organized by individual churches besides attending their Sunday services. The findings indicate that all the churches involved in Asian outreach do some form of preparation for evangelism but for most of them it is not sufficient. The methods used in evangelism are well chosen and appropriate to the targeted community. Some of the activities used for evangelism such as dinners and clubs are unique to this group as they are not characteristic of conventional approaches. It was clear that each approach bring about a different kind of response and consequently experiences that result. Where strong friendship relationship was established before hand, e.g. in neighborhood evangelism where a person reaches out to a neighbor he/she already knows, better results and experiences are achieved than when the gospel is presented to strangers or by strangers. When genuine conversion is achieved, discipleship is exciting as the converts are zealous to know more about God. Both new believers' classes and home fellowships or care groups are used to nurture the converts.Item The Armenians and the Turks :can these two nations be reconciled?(2014-04-03) Babayan, HasmikThis paper begins with a historical description of Turko-Armenian conflict in order to gain an accurate understanding about the cause and effects of this conflict, as well as the historical overview attempts to present the complicated situation of this conflict in the spheres of politics, economics and religion. Later it will look at the psychological and spiritual part of the conflict. This section will mainly discuss the problem of exclusion, embrace, forgiveness and reconciliation. It is my great hope and prayer that this study will encourage Armenians to start loving Turks through unconditional love of Christ, through which only reconciliation and forgiveness will be possible.Item An Assessment of the Strengths and Challenges of a Residential approach and a Community based approach to Caring for HIV positive Orphans :a case study of Grace Children's Center and the Lea Toto program(2014-05-16) Rogers, ValerieThe objective of this study was to assess the strengths and challenges of a community based model and a residential model of care for HIV positive orphans. In order to achieve this purpose, research was carried out with two different ministries in Nairobi, Kenya: Lea Toto, a community based model, and Grace Children's Center, a residential model. The research was a qualitative study and data was collected primarily through ethnographic interviews with caregivers and staff members from each program. Questionnaires were also used to gather background information about each program. The researcher examined the strengths and challenges of Grace Children's Center and Lea Toto in light of literature discussing HIV/AIDS, orphans, and programs to care for orphaned children. The findings revealed that both programs have many strengths and are effectively caring for HIV positive orphans. The main strengths of Lea Toto are that they empower willing caregivers, the caregivers are familiar adults, their impact extends to the entire community, and they have the capacity to address stigma in the community. The main strengths of Grace Children's Center is that they are able to provide care for children who are abused, neglected, or threatened, the home functions as a family rather than an institution, and they are able to provide total care for the children. Both ministries also face challenges. Lea Toto faces the challenges of poverty in the community and monitoring the administration of drugs by the caregivers. Grace Children's Center faces the challenges of stigma and limited travel outside of the residential home for the children. Based on these findings, recommendations were made for community based programs and residential homes to work together to meet the needs of HIV positive orphans. Recommendations were given for community based programs to economically empower caregivers and to engage and empower the entire community. Recommendations were given for residential homes to foster a family environment and to integrate their children into the surrounding communities.Item BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES AS A FOUNDATION FOR SHALOM IN AFRICAN FAMILY BUSINESSES IN KENYA(2018-07-30) MUTUA, MUTINDA PETERItem A case study of Life Challenge Africa in their involvement in Muslim outreach in Nairobi, Kenya, with implications for implementing outreach in the local churches.(2014-04-07) Duncan, Brent AnthonyThis study seeks to find out what LCA is doing in their ministry to Muslims in Nairobi. Specifically it looks at the strategies that are being implemented by LCA. It seeks to know how the LCA staff evaluates these strategies. Then in looking at these two parts, the researcher seeks to find out how these strategies are being implemented in the local church and gives suggestions of other ways of implementation. LCA is a project under SIM composed of eight members who work fulltime in Nairobi. There are other LCA offices in Africa, one in South Africa and two in West Africa. This study focuses on the LCA office in Nairobi and asks the following questions in order to understand the concerns state above. What are the strategies that LCA is using in their attempt to minister to Muslims in Nairobi? How do the informants evaluate the effects of the strategies implemented by LCA? How can LCA's strategies be adopted into the local churches in Nairobi, and other mission organizations? The results of this research show that LCA is using several ways to bring Muslim neighbors to the knowledge of Christ. The LCA staff stands in full support of the strategies utilized. The implementation of these strategies into the local church has been a challenge. There are several ways in which this process is being carried out, mainly in the form of public awareness of LCA and their vision. The difficulty comes in helping others catch the vision that LCA has. Based on these findings, it is necessary that other organizations join in the effort of reaching Muslims. LCA has done much of the ground breaking as far as developing materials for Christians to use to understand how best they can reach out to their Muslim neighbors. It is now the responsibility of LCA to make these resources known, and the responsibility of others to utilize them.Item Church leadership perception of care to the orphans in Bunia :with refernce to postwar situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo(2014-04-23) Kile, DinoThe purpose of this study was to understand the perception of Church leaders in Bunia on the church's care to the children that were orphaned due to war. It explored the church's ministry to orphans as well as factors that hindered addressing the issue of orphans. Data was collected by using interview which was aimed to church leaders whereby one leader was interviewed from each church in Bunia. The procedure used to analyze the findings was based on grounded theory approach with focus on qualitative method. The research findings, as a result, revealed that the church in Bunia is inactive to take care of orphans because of poverty and lack of biblical teaching about her responsibility to minister to orphans. Poverty and lack of biblical teaching were found to be major hindrances to the need to take care of orphans. Because the church does not address the issue, orphans lack education, shelter, heaIthcare, the word of God. They are subjected to live on their own, cast away from the rest of the community, and most of them find their place in the streets where they are exposed to poverty, premature sexual practices, sexual abuse, drug, theft, insecurity, diseases, HIV /AIDS, premature death, persistent trauma, and dirty words. Some recommendations were made to the church and leaders, and for further studies. Recommendations for the church aim at encouraging and suggesting way forward in taking care of orphans in Bunia, whereas further study recommendation consists of suggestion of possible topics vis-a-vis orphans that need to be exploitedItem The concept of sedik el aziz/sedika el aziza (genuine friendship) among the Sudanese muslims at Malakia in Juba and its missiological implications for christian witness(2014-04-07) Avokaya, Bismark MondayThe study attempts to investigate the concept of sedik el aziza / sedika el aziza (genuine friendship) among the Sudanese Muslims at Malakia in Juba and its missiological implications for Christian witness. Twenty selected Muslim informants were the main sources of information for this study. Three main research questions were designed to help carry out the study: firstly, what do you understand about sedik el aziza / sedika el aziza as a Muslim in Malakia? This is to help the researcher to understand the emic view on the concept as perceived by the Muslims. Secondly, what impact do you think sedik el aziz / sedika el aziza relationships have on the communal life of the Muslim in social life, economical life and political life? This is to help the researcher to understand the impact on socio-economical and political life of the Muslim. And thirdly, in what ways do you think sedik el aziz / sedika el aziza relationships impact the religious decision making of a Muslim. The intent is to help the researcher to understand the impact it has on a Muslim's decision making especial in relation to conversion. Also, the researcher had some ethnographic observations on Muslim relations in three places: restaurant, tea shop and some shops. The results show that sedik el aziz / sedika el aziza is a cordial relationships between two individuals or more and is derived from the Muslim concept of Ummah, over and against the tribal or national identity. It is primarily based on true love; actions of kindness, trust and confidence which involves the idea of honesty as well. Socio-economically and politically, sedik el aziz / sedika el aziza impact both Positively and negatively depending on the common interest. For instance in social life, it impacts the behavior (or life style) and views either positively or negatively. Economically, there is inter-dependency where the individual friends depend on each other. Also, there is an element of economic empowerment when one is not financially stable or of life skill training for those who are in need. However, at times there is economic dependency, which has negative impact. Regarding politics, most friends seem to come from the same political persuasion though, at times, some are from different persuasions. But the key in the relationship is respect for each other. Regarding the impact on religious decision making, the following were found: knowing the interest of the un believing friend comes high. The life of iman (or faith) or living an exemplary life as a Muslim is second in rating and associating with the unbelieving friend might cause him/ her to decide for iman was also rated. Based on these findings, it becomes necessary for the Sudanese Christians at Malakia in Juba to consider these characteristics as significant in establishing, promoting and maintaining meaningful relationships with their Muslim neighbours.Item Contextualizing the gospel to the Lelan Pokot .(2014-04-03) Kimwele, Charles MuthangyaWhat should people do with their old cultural ways when they become Christians, and how should the missionary respond to these traditional beliefs and practises? (Hiebert 1985: 17). Most missionaries in the past generation answered that converts should reject all their old cultural ways because they were pagan. Anthropologists on their part answered that every culture and its customs are valuable systems and should be preserved. The former option had the weakness of malting Christianity look foreign and to cause social dislocation in converts while the second compromises sinful practices and easily leads to syncretism. This study acknowledges both the beauty and sinfulness of cultural practices, for which reason they should neither be rejected nor accepted at face value. Instead, they should be studied with regard to the meanings and places they have within their cultural setting and then evaluated in the light of biblical norms. In this study, four Lelan Pokot enculturative rites, birth, initiation, marriage and burial, are studied and evaluated against biblical teachings to decide what Pokot Christians can retain and what they must avoid thus contextualizing the gospel for them in the area of those four rites and making it culturally relevant.Item The contribution of the pillars of Kibera (POK) ministry to slum evangelism(2014-04-10) Peter, Lawrence MutungaThe purpose of this research is to establish the impact and challenges of microfinance businesses as a means of doing evangelism in poverty-stricken informal communities. In particular the research establishes the benefits and difficulties that the Pillars of Kibera (POK) faces with respect to the domains of fellowship and business in the context of Kisumu Ndogo in Kibera. This is done with a view to detect areas that need to be changed with respect to small businesses and Christian fellowships. The research is based on participant observation and ethnographic interviews. The data analysis also subscribes to the methodology of ethnographic research and the tools of social anthropology. From anthropological analysis, key issues that emerge as challenges to the domains of fellowship and business are those of limited resources, demonstration effects, materialism and disunity. Although members of POK have a good understanding of their identity, it emerged that they have been unaware of two key negative features of their culture which have had debilitating effects on their spiritual development and their aspirations to escape poverty. These are demonstration effect and a more than proportionate emphasis on materialism. The research analysis and recommendations were made to create an awareness of cultural blind spots that have negative effects on the development of the business initiatives of POK and its evangelistic enterprise.Item Conversion from Islam to Christianity among the Arsi Oromo: Missiological implications for Christian witness(2013-06-24) Berhe, Anwar MehammedThe Arsi Oromo people are part of the wider Oromo people group of Ethiopia and Islam is the dominant religion of the people despite the presence of minority Christians among them. This thesis attempts to understand the conversion process of the Arsi Oromo from Islam to Christianity. It employs Rambo‟s seven stage model of conversion process in order to understand the conversion experiences of Arsi Oromo MBBs (Muslim Background Believers). The changes resulting from conversion and how the western Arsi local churches engage in helping Arsi Oromo converts to adapt to the existing church context are examined. Twenty converts (ten MBB women and ten MBB men) have been interviewed in order to get emic data about their conversion process. The literature review part seeks to discuss conversion from the perspectives of different disciplines. The biblical and theological views of conversion are discussed as a basis for conversion from Islam to Christianity. The review also assesses and discusses conversion from the perspective of social sciences and the various works that have been done on conversion from Islam to Christianity. This research employs ethnographic research method, which is a branch of qualitative research method in order to gain understanding of the conversion processes of the Arsi Oromo MBBs. The data was collected through unstructured and semi structured interviews and moderate participant observation. The coded data (appendix 2) presents the emic view of conversion in the way the stories told by the interviewees. Based on this data the analysis has been carried out in order to get etic view of the conversion process. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper and wider understanding of the different processes involved in the conversion of Arsi Oromo. Through the findings of this research, it has been established conversion is a long time process and influenced by various factors: the context of the convert, crisis, quest, and interaction with the agents of the gospel. A strong desire for relationship with the divine and ethical community was the core factor in the conversion process of the Arsi Oromo. The study also registered peace, joy, assurance of salvation, and fulfillment are the immediate positive consequences of conversion despite all converts facing various degrees of persecution from their community. Allegiance, moral and cultural encounters are also the most important changes observed in the life of converts as a mark of genuine conversion. This study also shows that more conversion happened in the rural village which is very hostile environment for Christianity compared to the towns that enjoyed freedom of worship. In the final chapter, missiological implications for Christian witness are drawn from the research findings. Recommendations for further study are also proposed.Item A critical survey of missionary attrition among African missionaries in Muslim evangelism in Kenya: the case of the Sheepfold Ministries.(2014-04-07) Juma, Patrick NabweraThe purpose of this research was to identify the causes of missionary attrition among African missionaries working with The Sheepfold Ministries (TSM) in Muslim evangelism in Kenya. It also aimed at identifying the effects of this missionary attrition among TSM missionaries in Muslim evangelism (ME) and to establish efforts TSM has made to reduce this missionary attrition. Missionary attrition has been a hindrance to missionary work; and a solution to it would be a step ahead in missions. The research involved 17 TSM missionaries who are still at work in ME and 6 others who left ME as victims of missionary attrition. The research realized that missionary attrition among TSM missionaries in ME in Kenya is caused by lack of financial support, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, marriage for singles, culture shock, resistance and hostility of radical Muslims, lack of quick conversion of the Muslims, a sense of God's will for leaving, loss of vision, and lack of pastoral care. The study also found out that missionary attrition affects the missionaries who leave, affects TSM, and affects the missionaries who remain on the mission field. The missionaries who leave develop negative attitudes towards TSM and missions in general, struggle with re-entry, and live with wounds they incurred during their mission days. It also gives TSM a negative image. TSM also feels a sense of loss when it loses experienced personnel. Those who remain feel discouraged and demotivated and also feel a loss of fellowship for the departure of close workers. The study also realized that TSM has been making good attempts to reduce missionary attrition, though there is room for improvement. These efforts include new procedures for selection and recruitment, pre-field training, sending out missionaries in teams, raising financial support for missionaries, educating missionary kids, and missionary care. Based on these findings, this research recommends that TSM should prepare missionaries for re-entry. It should also reach out to those who left missionary work for healing and have them form a group that can later help those who will also depart from Muslim evangelism. Besides this, TSM should have a pastoral ministry person to help in counseling, encouraging and guiding missionaries, especially in times of crisis. It also recommends that TSM should look into its financial policy to find long-term solutions to the problem of lack of financial support. Besides TSM, many other churches and organizations that sent out missionaries can use these findings as a manual for their members and missionaries in matters of missionary attrition.Item Description and evaluation of missions activitiesby various leaders of Africa Inland church Tanzania Pwani diocese (AICTPD).(2013-06-24) Ndaro, Alfred Mang’ereThis study was intended to investigate the understanding of missions among various leaders of Africa Inland Church Tanzania Pwani Diocese (AICTPD). So it is a descriptive research in which 62 leaders from AICTPD churches were consulted. These leaders include the bishop, the assistant bishop, general sectary, pastors and missionaries with their wives, one evangelist, two church elders and AICTPD partners in the diocese. These partners are AIM Regional leader, TIMO leader and BFC leader. Among these leaders, 7 of them were interviewed in Arusha, the other seven were both interviewed and asked to fill the research questionnaire in Morogoro, and the 48 filled the research questionnaire. A questionnaire and interview were the two combined methods used to collect data. The research discovered that the predominant missions activities include training in theology, improving existing churches, sending work reports, reaching out to unreached, encouraging pastors and missionaries and training in missions. The main challenges among others are inadequate support to missionaries, inadequate missions training, extreme size of geographical area of the diocese, lack of strategic planning priority, vision and creativity. All this provide the grounds for the recommendation that is given below. The data also revealed that the church achieved some successes which are the establishment of IBM, evangelism and discipleship, reaching out to Muslim communities and initiating strategic planning. In order to maintain these successes, the leaders suggested that they will involve the entire church in missions, reduce the size of the diocese, hold annual conferences and allocate resources into the diocese. Other areas will include providing missionaries with opportunities to share their testimonies with churches, develop positive attitude towards missions, cultivate more partners and improve training in the IBM. Based on these research findings, the diocese had never been able to develop a master strategic planning until the year 2010, when they put one in place. AICTPD, therefore, has survived without concrete, measurable and tangible goals and objectives. The diocese needs to develop missions strategic planning that could be integrated into the master plan of the diocese. MAPANA (Missions Awareness Program for African Nations Abandoned) strategic planning has been recommended, which if well supervised and coordinated will bring efficiency into the entire church structure. Missions training and involvement from individual believers, local church to top leadership of the diocese, needs to be given priority as other church ministries.Item DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE AND THE DILEMMA OF THE CHURCH IN KENYA(2014-07-30) MISIKO, K. C. RONNYItem The Dynamics of Church Growth :a Historical case study on the factors that Contributed to the Formation of Anglican Diocese of Mount Kenya South.(2014-05-21) Kigondu, Ven.Daniel Maina [untranslatedThis thesis explores growth of the Anglican Diocese of Mount (Mt.) Kenya South from its beginning in 1975 until 1998. Specifically, the study seeks to understand the factors that led to its formation. This study utilizes the existing literature to determine how far the current theories of church growth are applicable to the Diocese of Mount Kenya South. 111e method used in the study is descriptive. On the basis of its findings, this study makes a number of recommendations on the various prerequisites or the growth. It is hoped that this research will provide all important insight into means of fulfilling the Great Commission stated ill Mathew 28: 18-20.Item The Educational Level of the Boy Child in the Low Economic Class Estatesopf Nairobi Kenya : case study of Kawangware(2014-05-16) Omagwa, Samwel AtungaKawangware is a small market suburb located about 11 kilometres west of the capital city of Kenya - Nairobi. Most of the residents belong to the low-income class. It's inhabited by 86,000 people and most of them provide domestic and support services to the neighboring suburbs. Amongst the things that one notice on visiting the area are the number of boys loitering around and ferrying various goods to the market, instead of being in school. This study explores the Educational Level of the boy child in Kawangware, and the factors that cause a significant number of boys not to attend school. A qualitative research design employing ethnographic tradition was used for study. Data was collected using face-to-face open-ended interviews. The findings revealed that many covert factors hinder the educational level of the boy child in Kawangware. Twelve themes emerged to explain these factors. The researcher concluded that there is a dire need to facilitate and offer solutions to these hindrances, which impede meaningful education to the boy child in Kawangware. Although the findings in this research offer implications to the Church, government and non-governmental organisations and the society in general, the recommendations provided are limited to the role the Church can play to alleviate the suffering of the boy child. At least one other research topic arose out of this investigation; in order to grasp deeper insights into the educational level of the boy child in Kawangware and to establish more effective strategies to help them, the researcher recommends a further study that explores the social life of the boy child in a home context. Based on the findings, the educational level of the boy child is in dire need of help and the church and society must be challenged and be engaged in this issue in meeting their felt needs.Item The Efects of War on the Family Structure :the case of Street children in Freetown, Sierra leone(2014-05-21) Momoh, Caroline MThis study aimed at exploring the effects of the civil war on the family structure. It specifically focused on the case of street children in Freetown, Sierra Leone. It was a descriptive study that sought to understand the perceptions of the growing number of street children in relation to the effects of the war on the family structure. The data collection involved the use of discussion schedules, which were developed to guide the focus group discussions in order to answer the research questions and hypotheses in the study. Participant observation was used to clarify information received in the focus group discussions. The research population was composed of a group of street children, internally displaced women group, and three service-provider groups, namely, a church, an NGO, and a government department. The researcher facilitated the focus group discussions. The study revealed that the growing number of street children in Freetown after the civil war in Sierra Leone was due to several related factors, which were considered as the effects of the war. Among these factors, poverty was perceived as the critical issue in the incidence of street children. The factors (many of which were aggravated by the war) were perceived to have weakened the family structure which was once the support system in the society. However, the findings showed possibility for re-integration of street children into their families as a better way of dealing with the incidence of street children. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study, which called for the church and NGOs' involvement in the reconciliation of street children with their families. A further recommendation made was for the church to be involved in holistic ministry that addresses the physical, spiritual, and social aspect of the street child. This suggested that the church was to be the voice and advocate in the incidence of street children.Item Effective Leadership Development in Urban Kenyan Churches : an evaluation of Key Leadership PrinciplesTaught on theInternship Programmes of Five Select Nairobi Churches(2014-05-19) Kikuyu, David MasidzaThis study was an evaluation of key principles of leadership that are taught on the internship programme of five select churches in Nairobi. The primary method of data collection was by way of a questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted primarily of close-ended questions, mainly due to the nature of the research. Its intention was to determine the perspective of the respondents in regards to the principles of leadership taught to them on their respective internships. In order to derive this information adequately, the researcher developed three research questions. He further raised twenty nine items that would clarify in detail the intention of the research questions posed. It was faintly discovered that there were three key principles of leadership which were taught on these internship programmes in general. These were Planning, Delegation and Vision. However, it was also observed that principles of leadership are not strongly taught on the internship programmes of these five churches.Item The effectiveness of discipleship methods used by the Life Challenges Africa for discipling of MBBS: its implication to mission(2014-04-10) Kivuva, Jacob MLife Challenge Africa is a resource and development centre that promotes Muslim discipleship programs for MBBs. It has been in operation for the last thirty one years. This research sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods which Life Challenge Africa uses in its discipleship programs of MBBs and its implications to mission work. The researcher interviewed nine leaders and nine disciples with Muslim background context who were his main source of information for this work. The research designed from research question which guided him in his research for this study. The scales of 1-5 where one represents the most effective method and five represents the least ineffective method were used to determine the effectiveness of the methods. It was found out from the result that individual discipleship, bible study and listening to bible stories were methods which were highly valued and this showed that they were highly favored by both the MBBs and the disciplers in L.C.A. But still there were challenges which came out clearly from the respondents. The challenges include limited numbers Of disciples, lack of training materials and poor attendances were pointed out. Therefore, the research showed that L.C.A. need to give more attention on meeting the need of more disciples, finances to buy more materials and encourage the disciples to improve on their class attendance. It should also maintain the spirit of disciplining of MBBs, if we need the MBBs to be established in the Christian truth and also become disciplers of the same.Item THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAMS IN URBAN AREAS TO THE YOUTH:(2020-11-30) JUMA, RAYMOND MUSYOKAItem The effectiveness of the Christian evangelistic methods used by the Nile development services limited for winning Muslims to Christ in Arusha, Tanzania(2013-08-23) Wani, William Ketto RumanThis study attempted to find out the effectiveness of Christian evangelistic methods used by NDSL to win Muslims to Christ in Arusha. The organization focuses on the preparation of servants of God to be self-supported in order to give care both spiritually and materially to the persecuted Muslims. This is done through friendly support, sponsoring income-generating projects and teaching. Ten NDSL leaders and ten members with Muslim background were the main sources of information for this study. Four research questions were designed to help them assess the effectiveness of the said methods; these were guided by the following four research questions: (1) what are the main methods that the NDSL has adopted in Muslim evangelism to achieve the aims and objectives of the organization? (2) to what extent are the adopted methods effective in winning Muslims to Christ? (3) what are the factors that influences or hinder Muslim conversion to Christ when using the adopted methods? (4) what are the best methods recommended by converts with Muslim back-grounds for winning Muslims to Christ? Results shows that all the methods adopted by NDSL are acceptable, but friendship evangelism, personal evangelism and evangelism through social services are highly favored. The gospel, love, knowledge and appreciation of the holy books remain the main factors of conversion. But again issues like finances, exclusion, persecutions and Muslims arrogance remain a drawback in the implementation of NDSL methods. Based on these findings, it becomes necessary for NDSL leadership to emphasize more on training, teaching and equipping members for social actions. Also, the leadership should mobilize the sister organizations for team work since the command to preach, teach and baptize people is mandatory to the universal Church.