The study has examined the role of the Church in response to the political issues that are affecting Christians in Kenya in general and specifically in Nairobi. The study was structured on the belief that the Church lacks strong prophetic voice in shaping the dreadful politics occasionally affecting Christians. This has led to bad policies making, political hatred and negative ethnicity amongst Christians in Nairobi. The study was envisaged since people are comfortable in their lives when there is good political atmosphere and agreements in Kenya. However, when something awful in the politics happens that turns their lives upside down, then that is the time people will blame the church for not doing enough in preaching unity amongst the people and addressing the national leaders. However, in order to know this phenomenon and give a suitable theological and biblical response, the core cause of the role of the church has been explored. The research discusses the role of the Church and Christian perception on how the Church needs to respond to the social political issues affecting Christians resulting to the poor policies, killings, displacement of people, marginalization, hatred and bad ethnicity amongst Kenyan.