The purpose of the study was to analyze the key factors affecting effective strategy implementation in Karen Christian College. The research was led by the following research questions: How does an organization resource affect effective strategy implementation at Karen Christian College? How does organizational structure affect effective strategy implementation at Karen Christian College? How does organizational culture affect effective strategy implementation at Karen Christian College, and how does strategy formulation affect effective strategy implementation at Karen Christian College. The study used a descriptive research design. The target population of the research was focused on the top management and employees of Karen Christian college with a population of 35-memberstaffs. The study was quantitative in nature as data was collected using questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed by the researcher to the different respondents and collected after completion. Regarding data analysis, the demographic data was tabulated using frequency and percentages. For data description, Pearson’s correlation was used. The data was analyzed and presented through tables and charts according to the research questions using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).The findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational resources and strategy implementation at KCC since the pvalue is 0.25.Further the results indicated that there is a positive but not significant relationship between organizational culture and strategy implementation at Karen Christian College since the p-value is 4.57. There is a positive but not significant relationship between organizational structure and strategy implementation at Karen Christian College, since the p-value is 2.37. Lastly, there is a positive and significant relationship between strategy development and effective strategy implementation at Karen Christian College, since the p-value is 0.000. Therefore, the study recommends that an effective strategy implementation calls for the need for Karen Christian College to enhance organization resources, organizational culture, organizational structure, and strategy development. The recommendation is that for Karen Christian College to achieve, develop and grow it needs fast track strategy implementation. The study has revealed that among the four variables affecting the strategy implementation, strategy development has depicted that it is the most significant and determinant to the successful implementation of the Karen Christian College strategies.