Discovering different senses which a single word may convey has been at the
top of my thoughts during my ten-years of translation of the New Testament into
Luwo. The semantic lectures on polysemy, synonymy, hyponymy, and meronymy
have deepened my thought and made me ask about what possibilities there are to
express different senses of words in Luwo. Lectures on Morphosyntax aroused my
thought on the language forms. This made me to ask about the morphological or
analytical devices that help in expressing different senses of a word in Luwo.
This is the first attempt to study semantic and pragmatic features of the Luwo
language. Chapter one is overview on the demography of the Luwo, language
classification, geography and environment, word order typology, phonology, and
orthography. In chapter two, different terminologies, which have been used in the
study, are defined. In chapter three, declaratives are discussed. The discussion focuses
on declarative and performative verbs, indirect speech acts and echoic speech acts.
Chapter four examines interrogatives, specifically the yes/no questions, the wordquestion
words, indirect and echoic interrogatives. Chapter five examines imperatives.