The thesis discusses the imagery of light used as a figure~
of salvation in the Old Testament and the relationship it
has with John 8:12. This is presented in five chapters.
Chapter one covers introductory materials, namely. the
statement of the problem, the hY90thesis, significance of
the study, the purpose of the study, assumptions.
limitations and delimitations. Chapter two discusses the
background and Old Testament use of the imagery of light.
gives an overview of the significance o f the imagery OT
light in the Old Testament ...and examines s elected Old
Testament passages where light is used in the context of
salvation. These include: t he creation of light(Gen 1:3,-
5), the plague of darkness (Ex 10:21-23) ..light in the
Exodus Journey (Ex 13:21,22), light to Zebulon and Naphtali
(Is 8:22-9:2), the promise of light to the Gentiles (Is
42:6; 49:6; 51:4). Cha9ter three is devoted to the Gospel
of John, especially John 8:12. John's understanding of
Jesus as the Light is discussed along with use of r ne
imagery of light in relation to the person and ministry of
Jesus. An overview of John's theological imagery of light is outlined. Discussed here also is John the concept of
salvation and light in John1s presentation of Jesus.
Chapter four is a synthesis of the significance of light as
is used in the scriptural p assaqes already c considered .
This section pulls together the Old Testament and John's
usage of the imagery of light (as a symbol of salvation).
Chapter five gives a summary of findings and conclusion of
the thesis. The biblical and theological findings are
summarized in this chapter. The relevance of this study in
its application for the Church is outlined.