Various traditional beliefs and practices,
especially those related to kindoki (Kongo magic and
witchcraft), still exist among the Bakongo in the Lower
Zaire, and form an obstacle to the spiritual growth of the
Kongo Christians.
The second chapter, after the introduction,
describes the traditional Kongo world view, while the
third chapter describes the traditional role and place of
kindoki in Kongo society. This chapter also compares
Kongo and European witchcraft, discusses the danger of
demonic influence through involvement in occult
activities, and finally explains what the Bible teaches on
witchcraft in general.
The fourth chapter discusses various proposed
solutions to the problems among the Kongo people, created
by kindoki beliefs and practices. Since witchcraft is
fundamentally a spiritual problem, only the ,Bible offers a
complete solution. This biblical solution forms the last
part of the chapter.