This study was conducted by the researcher to evaluate the 'Learning outcomes Focus' of
the Church school curriculum of Kenya Assemblies of God (KA.G.) Bum Bum. The
purpose of the study was four fold:
1. To ascertain that KA.G. Bum Bum church school curriculum was developed in the
'Learning Outcomes' format.
2. To ascertain whether the planned activities and the stated objectives had a logical
relationship to each other.
3. To ascertain the balance between 'cognitive,' 'affective' and 'psychomotor'
element emphases in the curriculum learning outcomes objective.
4. To ascertain the effective implementation of the 'Leaning Outcomes Focus'
curriculum in the church school, by all stakeholders.
Data was collected by means of interview, questionnaires and written records. Goals and
objectives were used as criteria for judgment. Planned activities were used as items of
In this study, Learning Outcomes Focus was evaluated at the levels of format, needs,
deficiencies, activities, emphases, recruitment, training and programme planning.
The activities in the church school curriculum were found to be well directed towards
meeting the 'Learning Outcomes Focus' (goals and objectives).
The study revealed that a significant number of the 'stakeholders in KA.G. Bum Buru
church were not involved in the planning and implementation of the church school's
'Learning Outcomes Focus' curriculum.