The purpose of this study was to assess the overall effectiveness of Christian
education curriculum in Africa Inland local churches and investigate whether or not
Christian education is achieving the expected goals and objectives and to make
important recommendations to the AlC Christian Education department on the basis
of conclusions reached. These are the questions I wanted to ask about AlC Christian
education curriculum.
1. What are the major objectives of the Christian education department of
AlC Kenya?
2. What is the goal of the Christian education department of AlC Kenya?
3. What ways do the CE coordinators try to implement the Christian
education provided for local churches? •
4. What are the factors that contribute/ hinder the implementation of
Christian education in local churches
From the research study the following answers were obtained. One, there is an acute
limitation of the current personnel of the Christian education regional coordinators in
trying to teach all levels of people due to their academic level.
Secondly, the Christian education department at the national level doesn't involve
the regional coordinators in the designing, implementing and evaluating the CE
Programmes. This is a major drawback in the effectiveness of the Christian education
curriculum. As conclusion the researcher has suggested the Christian education
department should reorganise its functioning to involve the regional coordinators in
the designing, implementing and evaluating the Christian education programme. This
will help in making the content and materials appropriate and the teachings quite
relevant to the nature of problems and the needs of the people. It will also help the
regional coordinators to have a sound understanding of the goals and objectives of the
Christian education curriculum.