This study involved a particular people within the urban context who may be
considered "hidden" because of their type of employment and maintained cultural
identity. The target group is widely scattered in the city of Nairobi, Kenya, and live
in the many slum areas or within the compounds in which they provide security.
A qualitative study using focus groups of the Samburu watchmen was
conducted throughout the city of Nairobi. Two hundred four Samburu watchmen
were interviewed in twenty-three focus groups. A quantitative study, using a
questionnaire, was completed by eleven leaders of different denominations
ministering in Nairobi. Fifteen denominations were targeted for this part of the study
because these churches have Gospel ministry in Samburu District in Kenya. From
these two instruments came conclusions concerning the spiritual care of the Samburu
watchmen in Nairobi.
Information from the watchmen was gathered by using open-ended questions
concerning their physical life and spiritual life in the Nairobi context. Close-ended
questions in the church leaders' questionnaire provided the data for evaluation from
the denominational aspect of this study.
The Samburu watchmen in Nairobi are being reached by the Gospel according
to the definition that we are using. From the church attendance figures of the target
group (in both the urban and rural contexts) it has been shown that more than 20%
consider themselves practicing Christians. The need for Samburu language outreach
to these Samburu watchmen is evident in this study and further suggestions for
ministry are made.
Another important feature of this study is the finding that two of the eleven
denominations do have focused ministry outreach to the Samburu watchmen in the
city. The other nine denominations have not yet considered this since their ministry
approach is to the whole people of the city. The application of this research could be
multiplied to other unreached pastoralists, or homogeneous units within the African
urban context. The concept of linking Christian ministries to the same people group
in both the urban and rural contexts needs further consideration and research.