Komolion Mission Outpost Station is a practical example of a Mission Out
Post Station turning out to be a sending church into God's Mission in East Pokot area.
KMOPS having done what she ought to have done closed her doors, and the East
Pokotian Indigenous church started by straggling as she found its path in PAG-K
church's mission's field. The Mission Station in PAG Churches in Kenya can be
described as a struggle in accomplishing the Great Commission. However, they have
done exploits towards reaching the least reached groups, namely, East Pokotians,
Samburus, Massais, Turkanas just to name a few.
Thus, the broad question this research study attempted to answer was: "What
were the factors that led to the closure of KMOPS and to what extend did the closure
positively or negatively affected the numerical growth of PAG-K churches in East
Pokot area? After identifying the factors, the study sought to find out what was the
relationship between the closure of KMOPS and the subsequent numerical growth of
the PAG-K churches in East Pokot area.
Qualitative methodologies were engaged in this case study. The research
collected data using focus groups. The researcher formed a questioner with three
major questions and several sub-questions per each question that were discussed
thoroughly by the four focus groups that were formed using criterion method.
Participant Observation method of gathering information was also incorporated in
collecting data.
Having analyzed and interpreted the data, using repeated themes, issues and
ideas. The researcher found out that the closure of KMOP and the subsequent
numerical growth of the PAG-K East Pokot church constituted the following:
1. Mystery
2. Reason
3. Motivation.
The East Pokotian community was dump folded by the factors that led to the
closure of KMOPS. They claimed to be a mystery to them. They could not explain the
causes by their mere words. The outcome of the closure of KMOPS brought the East
Pokotian believers to sober reasoning. They started engaging in the activities of
instituting the mission of God in their area. Finally, the East Pokotian community was
impacted positively by the closure of KMOPS. They were motivated positively. They
started expanding the kingdom of God in their area. This positive motivation brought
them to sensible terms with what had happened and what ought to be happening. They
were self-esteemed, and they started seeing themselves as well able in going the
mission of God in their home land and extending it to their neighboring community.