This thesis attempts to describe conversion from Christianity to Islam among
the Turkana people of Northern Kenya. Twenty Muslim Turkana converts have been
interviewed in order to get first hand knowledge about this process.
This thesis is divided into five main chapters. Chapter one is Introduction of
the research giving its background, purpose, goal, research problem, the questions to
be examined, the research significance and limitations among others.
Chapter two is literature review which seeks to give the historical background
of the Turkana people and describe some aspects of the study of conversion and its
reasons for conversion. The Biblical understanding of conversion both Old and New
Testaments is the basis of the study.
Chapter four presents an emic view of conversion, and it analyzes the
information in a stage model developed by Rambo. This is to get an etic view of the
process of conversion among the Turkana. The stories from the interviewees are also
recorded the way they were told. The aim of this research is to get a wider and deeper
understanding of all the processes involved in conversion. This can give a basis for
ministry among the Turkana.
In the final Chapter, the information from the introduction and chapter four are
used in order to describe some implications for witness. This study concludes that the
church is obligated to equip the youth on Christian principles so that as they grow
they do not deviate from it. The Church needs to contextualize her message to reach
the Turkana.